Tuesdays riding lesson lasted about 10 minutes when my horse stumbled and started limping. I really felt bad trotting him so my trainer could see that he was in pain. Fortunately for me, Laurie MacDonald, dressage enthusiast and saddle fitter extraordairie was at the barn. She came to fit some saddles on horses. My old Crosby, my precious saddle that I have loved on for over 20 years has been pronounced by Laurie as well as my trainer Kelsey Magid and Di Hopkins as being too small for me. As in, I should have never purchased it, it never actually fit.
The saddle I bought when I purchased Silver is an Equitation saddle and the fit was a little snug for mommy body. So I went on ebay and purchased a saddle, the morning I make a bid on a black Courbette Lemetex Husar, Kelsey tells me about a Crosby for sale in a Facebook Tack Trading page. So I bought the Crosby off Facebook and I won the ebay auction for the Courbette. Now I have 4 saddles, which one fits? Hence, Laurie's visit to the barn. The equitation saddle fits Silver, but doesn't position me so well on him and it makes his back sore. Get rid of that saddle! No one needs a sore back. I think it makes my back sore, too!
The new 18 Crosby fits really nicely and my hips really open up at the walk, which means he opens up. Kelsey said when my hips start to swing in the saddle, he lifts his tail, expels gas - does this mean he is a gas powered pony- and rounds his back. I noticed in the Equitation saddle it was harder to loosen up my hips when walking. The Crosby is more open and a flatter type saddle so my legs and hips swing easier.
The Courbette is too narrow for Silver. What a bummer! I've always wanted a Courbette. I was disappointed to find out Courbette had been purchased by Stuebben a couple of years ago. Which explains the lack of Courbette's on the market. So I'll condition the leather on the Courbette and resell it on ebay. I'm sure someone will like it for their narrow thoroughbred. Apparently, Silver is built more like a warmblood than the OTTB that he is.
On Thursday, I got to test ride my newly fitted Crosby on Silver. He seems to like it. It fits better over his shoulders and I can use my hips on the flatter/looser frame. Once I loosen my hips, he loosens up. What a concept!
I wore new riding breeches to my lesson, well that was a mistake, because they were way too big on me and caused rubbing in wrong places. Ugh!
It had rained early in the morning, so the arena was wet, which concerned me. I was worried that Silver would slip in the mud, even though Kelsey assured me it would not. She has been working on me not "forcing" my heels down. To put my weight on the ball of my foot and not put the weight on my heels - this is the exact opposite of what I have heard for most of my riding life - This new way of riding is called "balanced riding" - and you thought you were already balanced, right? It totally befuddles me. Actually, it wouldn't be so hard to do, if I wasn't constantly trying to point my toes into the horse. I pronate, which means I ride in ballet's first position, my heels are digging into the horse. Actually, my back of my leg is on the horse, instead of the side of my calf. I know I accomplished the side of my calf during Thursday's lesson because I have an ugly bruise on the side of my calf. And when I squeezed my legs, I could really feel it through my calves and thighs. I haven't been saddle sore in a couple of months, since I started riding "balanced"
I kept having problems on Thursday, I'm still not entirely sure what my deal was, if it was the wet arena, the wind that seemed to be freaking out my horse, that I wasn't on my a game because of allergies, the new saddle, the too big pants...my trainer has to be part psychologist to get me over my blocks. I kept losing my right stirrup and felt like I was unbalanced, I felt like I was all over the place and worried that I couldn't stop the horse. He never ran away with me, I was always in control.
She told me, "it's not him, it's you." Well, that hurts to hear, I'd rather it be him, than me. But I can accept responsibility of my actions...I might not have understood why I was doing certain things with him, but I was always in control. I finally told her, I can either point my toes inward or I can balance on the balls of my feet, but I can not do both at the same time. It's too much today. So I am working on pointing my toes inward and keeping my heels off the horse.
We did some canter work where I bent his head in just a little, he would give and then I would release and push him forward. I am constantly taking up my reins when I do this at the trot. I couldn't figure out why we were doing this at the canter. Part of it was to stay in control and the other part to create/maintain suppleness of the horse. I should probably give myself a break, I've cantered three or four times since I had my flying dismount in July - that could be freaking me out, too.
I'm hoping to go to a rated horse show next Sunday. I'm overly ambitious! So next week, we will start working on jumping. That fall really started me on a different training direction. I need to build more self confidence in the saddle. And maybe get a pair of breeches that fit!
musings of a mom of kids on the autism spectrum, aspiring equestrian, jewelry designer, and Orthodox Christian - not necessarily in that order...
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Vowan Gems Halloween Jewelry
Just in time for Halloween, from my Etsy shop: Vowangems All Halloween jewelry is on sale!

Sexy Harlequin Necklace

Black Cat Necklace

Black Cat and Jackolntern Neckalce

Spooky Halloween Skull
for something that can be worn more often than Halloween, check these earrings out:

Twilight Moon Earrings

Raven Earrings

Sexy Harlequin Necklace

Black Cat Necklace

Black Cat and Jackolntern Neckalce

Spooky Halloween Skull
for something that can be worn more often than Halloween, check these earrings out:

Twilight Moon Earrings

Raven Earrings
black cats,
boho jewelry,
Fair Trade Silk Sari Ribbon,
filigree jewelry,
spooky jewelry,
sugar skulls,
Twilight moon,
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
When I dropped Nathaniel off at school Monday morning, his class was headed over to their class room in the other school building. We joined the class as they walked over. His teacher, MacFee tried to engage him but he was not interested in walking with her. He scanned his classmates and then he saw HER... He walked over and gently took her hand and they walked to class together . It was such a precious sight to behold.
And it's all the more precious and awesome because he has autism. My sweet boy, is social, has compassion and cares for others. He totally does his best to be gentle with others. She is a young, small kindergartner and he is so much taller than her. They looked so cute with each other. One of the other boys, Lucas is infatuated with her, too. But he has no clue how to interact with her, so he pokes her in the face, in the eyes and of course, it makes her mad. And it makes Nathaniel mad, too. I hope he doesn't get into too many altercations protecting her.
It really makes my heart happy to see him with her. There is hope.
And it's all the more precious and awesome because he has autism. My sweet boy, is social, has compassion and cares for others. He totally does his best to be gentle with others. She is a young, small kindergartner and he is so much taller than her. They looked so cute with each other. One of the other boys, Lucas is infatuated with her, too. But he has no clue how to interact with her, so he pokes her in the face, in the eyes and of course, it makes her mad. And it makes Nathaniel mad, too. I hope he doesn't get into too many altercations protecting her.
It really makes my heart happy to see him with her. There is hope.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Mommy meltdowns
Ever have one of those days where you just want to scream? at your children?
All the time, but this was one of those days where I snapped. I confess, I yelled and had a hissy fit because my son with autism absolutely refused to get dressed.
He was running around the house in just his underwear, which under normal circumstances wouldn't have bothered me too much. Except the toilet in the bathroom he shares with his twin sister had overflowed...thankfully, it was just pee and not the other. Small favors, right? And this wouldn't have been a big deal, if I hadn't noticed water dripping out of the kitchen cabinets and into my kitchen aid mixing bowl. Ewww! Gross!
So I had to empty the cabinets. In a way it was good to empty the cabinets because I really hadn't organized the cabinets since we moved into the house 9 1/2 months ago.
The leak was strange because only one shelf was wet, the bottom shelf. Well, where is the water coming from. Oh no! It's coming from the other cabinet with the food. Another small favor, it is not coming from that side. I think it's flowing down the middle where the two cabinets connect. That's just great, there is sewage water seeping through the second floor and inbetween the two cabinets. Oh joy!
He comes into the kitchen in just his underwear and I tell him for what seems like the upteenth time to: Put some clothes on!
"no, really put some clothes on"
"Did you just tell me 'no'?"
I threw a bag of carmel popcorn across the kitchen...he knew he was in trouble then...but he kept telling me no. I yelled louder, he yelled louder. He put his hands over his ears but was not willing to get dressed. We yelled at each other as we climbed the stairs to his room. Finally, we get to his room and he yells and tells me he is angry at me. And I tell him, I'm angry at him for not getting dressed. I go into his closet and found an easy to get on outfit... and he gets dressed. This is not a good Mommy of Autistic Son moment. I realized how awful it must have been for him to have me fly off the handle like that. I didn't use any coping skills. I just screamed at him for not complying with my requests. I wanted him to be dressed in case I had a plumber come over or I needed him to go outside.
Finally, he calms down enough to tell me, he had come into the kitchen to complain that his Halloween costume had been moved from the bottom rack to the top rack. I told him I had moved it because it was so bulky, it took up too much room on the lower rack for his everyday clothes. So I moved it to the upper rack with his other costumes. But it's Batman!
Yes, I understand, you want it closer to you but it takes up to much room on the lower rack. Should we get rid of some of the clothes on the lower rack, to make room for your Batman costume?
He agreed we should, but he wasn't ready to cull his clothes right then.
And we haven't yet.
So he spent most of his day in a ready to fight mood. He got mad at church coffee hour because there wasn't a water pitcher. Since I had the only two children at the church coffee hour, I just got two cups, added ice and was about to fill the cups with water from the faucet when he freaked out. He refused to drink water from the faucet, it had to be from a water pitcher. I was not going to that much trouble. His sister agreed to drink the water I offered her. I finally just put his water filled cup on a table and walked away. He got thirsty enough and drank it.
He went home with Daddy and "helped" fix the toilet. I took Emma to a classmate's birthday party at Pump It Up . Always a fun time at Pump it Up. All that jumping and climbing really wears a kid out. It gave me a chance to chill out.
When we got home, Dad was chilling with the boy watching Ice Age: Collision Course. Nathaniel spent most of the movie cuddling with Dad.
After the movie, the kids rode there bikes and he had a little fall. I was wearing flip flops and couldn't run fast enough to get to him. In fact, one of our neighbors from across the street heard, N shouting and came over to see if he was okay. I thought that was rather sweet. I explained to our neighbor "He fell off his bike, he's fine. he has sensory issues."
Welcome to my world. I got N back on his bike and he gets irate that his sister took two objects off the swing. "it's not fair!" "She's not being nice." Well, they belonged to her, one was a part of her bike and the other was a pumpkin ball from her party bag. "But I wanted it!"
"Oh sweetie, you need dinner, a shower and to go to bed" Of course, he didn't like that.
But he eagerly at his ravioli, chocolate ice cream (very small bowl) but getting into the shower was just delay, after delay, after delay - although, it was nice of him to put his shoes in his closet and to put his clothes in the hamper - I wanted to yell, "get in the damn shower, already!" but I held my tongue.
And then he spent too much time running around the house naked. It is not amusing - well, maybe to him. But I found it annoying. And that's probably why he does it.
All the time, but this was one of those days where I snapped. I confess, I yelled and had a hissy fit because my son with autism absolutely refused to get dressed.
He was running around the house in just his underwear, which under normal circumstances wouldn't have bothered me too much. Except the toilet in the bathroom he shares with his twin sister had overflowed...thankfully, it was just pee and not the other. Small favors, right? And this wouldn't have been a big deal, if I hadn't noticed water dripping out of the kitchen cabinets and into my kitchen aid mixing bowl. Ewww! Gross!
So I had to empty the cabinets. In a way it was good to empty the cabinets because I really hadn't organized the cabinets since we moved into the house 9 1/2 months ago.
The leak was strange because only one shelf was wet, the bottom shelf. Well, where is the water coming from. Oh no! It's coming from the other cabinet with the food. Another small favor, it is not coming from that side. I think it's flowing down the middle where the two cabinets connect. That's just great, there is sewage water seeping through the second floor and inbetween the two cabinets. Oh joy!
He comes into the kitchen in just his underwear and I tell him for what seems like the upteenth time to: Put some clothes on!
"no, really put some clothes on"
"Did you just tell me 'no'?"
I threw a bag of carmel popcorn across the kitchen...he knew he was in trouble then...but he kept telling me no. I yelled louder, he yelled louder. He put his hands over his ears but was not willing to get dressed. We yelled at each other as we climbed the stairs to his room. Finally, we get to his room and he yells and tells me he is angry at me. And I tell him, I'm angry at him for not getting dressed. I go into his closet and found an easy to get on outfit... and he gets dressed. This is not a good Mommy of Autistic Son moment. I realized how awful it must have been for him to have me fly off the handle like that. I didn't use any coping skills. I just screamed at him for not complying with my requests. I wanted him to be dressed in case I had a plumber come over or I needed him to go outside.
Finally, he calms down enough to tell me, he had come into the kitchen to complain that his Halloween costume had been moved from the bottom rack to the top rack. I told him I had moved it because it was so bulky, it took up too much room on the lower rack for his everyday clothes. So I moved it to the upper rack with his other costumes. But it's Batman!
Yes, I understand, you want it closer to you but it takes up to much room on the lower rack. Should we get rid of some of the clothes on the lower rack, to make room for your Batman costume?
He agreed we should, but he wasn't ready to cull his clothes right then.
And we haven't yet.
So he spent most of his day in a ready to fight mood. He got mad at church coffee hour because there wasn't a water pitcher. Since I had the only two children at the church coffee hour, I just got two cups, added ice and was about to fill the cups with water from the faucet when he freaked out. He refused to drink water from the faucet, it had to be from a water pitcher. I was not going to that much trouble. His sister agreed to drink the water I offered her. I finally just put his water filled cup on a table and walked away. He got thirsty enough and drank it.
He went home with Daddy and "helped" fix the toilet. I took Emma to a classmate's birthday party at Pump It Up . Always a fun time at Pump it Up. All that jumping and climbing really wears a kid out. It gave me a chance to chill out.
When we got home, Dad was chilling with the boy watching Ice Age: Collision Course. Nathaniel spent most of the movie cuddling with Dad.
After the movie, the kids rode there bikes and he had a little fall. I was wearing flip flops and couldn't run fast enough to get to him. In fact, one of our neighbors from across the street heard, N shouting and came over to see if he was okay. I thought that was rather sweet. I explained to our neighbor "He fell off his bike, he's fine. he has sensory issues."
Welcome to my world. I got N back on his bike and he gets irate that his sister took two objects off the swing. "it's not fair!" "She's not being nice." Well, they belonged to her, one was a part of her bike and the other was a pumpkin ball from her party bag. "But I wanted it!"
"Oh sweetie, you need dinner, a shower and to go to bed" Of course, he didn't like that.
But he eagerly at his ravioli, chocolate ice cream (very small bowl) but getting into the shower was just delay, after delay, after delay - although, it was nice of him to put his shoes in his closet and to put his clothes in the hamper - I wanted to yell, "get in the damn shower, already!" but I held my tongue.
And then he spent too much time running around the house naked. It is not amusing - well, maybe to him. But I found it annoying. And that's probably why he does it.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Don't judge a box by its cover
So my husband and I moved our family three days before Christmas 2015. I almost killed him for moving our household right before Christmas. The kids didn't have beds, we provided sleeping bags and pillows and they thought it was great fun, camping indoors. Our new house was piled high with moving boxes. I was able to find most of the kids Christmas gifts in time for Saint Nicholas' visit to our new home. I'm still finding gifts from last Christmas, I'll just wrap them and give them this year, right?
We've unpacked all of the boxes in the house, but quite a few remain in the garage and my new art studio. I've been missing some horse tack for what seems like months - 10 most likely - Two weeks ago, my husband decided it was time to move the minivan into the garage. Not sure why he decided it was time, the spring thunderstorms and tornados have passed us by safely, I might add.
Although, the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve was especially scary for North Texas. We had been experiencing especially mild winter weather, when one evening the temperatures dropped about 30 degrees and we had a thunderstorm. We hadn't been in our new house a week, when the tornado alert sirens started blaring. We stared at the tv watching the tornado's direction - coming right toward our house- My brother - in - law called us and said not to stand next to the windows. In our new house, it's hard not to stand near a window or a French door leading outside, plenty of light in this house as opposed to the ranch house cavern we used to live in. I was mentally assessing the situation, could I lower the children through the pier and beam access holes in the kitchen or utility room faster when he called. And luckily for us, the tornado changed direction, but not so lucky for hundreds of people living in Rowlett and Garland. They lost homes, loved ones, pets, cars, etc. We knew people who lost everything when the tornado rampaged through their neighborhood.
So my husband cleared out a spot in the garage for the minivan. He found some storage containers labeled Lights and Christmas, so naturally I opened the boxes expecting to find Christmas lights. Much to my delight, I discovered 4 headstalls, 5 bits, 5 sets of leather braided reins, only 1 green shipping boot, 4 green polo wraps, a breast plate, a martingale, 3 sets of stirrup leathers including one set still in package, a cavasson, lunge line, bent out of shape lunge whip, various training aids but nothing in a complete set, and some western equipment. I was overjoyed to find my pelham double bridle and my first nice flat leather hunt bridle! Today I oiled Dolly's leather halter,and 4 english bridles along with 5 sets of reins. Perhaps next week, I will tackle the martingale, breast plate and english stirrup leathers. I told my trainer with all this equipment, I needed another horse - like a hole in the head -
We've unpacked all of the boxes in the house, but quite a few remain in the garage and my new art studio. I've been missing some horse tack for what seems like months - 10 most likely - Two weeks ago, my husband decided it was time to move the minivan into the garage. Not sure why he decided it was time, the spring thunderstorms and tornados have passed us by safely, I might add.
Although, the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve was especially scary for North Texas. We had been experiencing especially mild winter weather, when one evening the temperatures dropped about 30 degrees and we had a thunderstorm. We hadn't been in our new house a week, when the tornado alert sirens started blaring. We stared at the tv watching the tornado's direction - coming right toward our house- My brother - in - law called us and said not to stand next to the windows. In our new house, it's hard not to stand near a window or a French door leading outside, plenty of light in this house as opposed to the ranch house cavern we used to live in. I was mentally assessing the situation, could I lower the children through the pier and beam access holes in the kitchen or utility room faster when he called. And luckily for us, the tornado changed direction, but not so lucky for hundreds of people living in Rowlett and Garland. They lost homes, loved ones, pets, cars, etc. We knew people who lost everything when the tornado rampaged through their neighborhood.
So my husband cleared out a spot in the garage for the minivan. He found some storage containers labeled Lights and Christmas, so naturally I opened the boxes expecting to find Christmas lights. Much to my delight, I discovered 4 headstalls, 5 bits, 5 sets of leather braided reins, only 1 green shipping boot, 4 green polo wraps, a breast plate, a martingale, 3 sets of stirrup leathers including one set still in package, a cavasson, lunge line, bent out of shape lunge whip, various training aids but nothing in a complete set, and some western equipment. I was overjoyed to find my pelham double bridle and my first nice flat leather hunt bridle! Today I oiled Dolly's leather halter,and 4 english bridles along with 5 sets of reins. Perhaps next week, I will tackle the martingale, breast plate and english stirrup leathers. I told my trainer with all this equipment, I needed another horse - like a hole in the head -
Friday, October 14, 2016
What's that on my porch - it's from Dover Saddlery!
So the UPS delivery man and I crossed paths as I was rolling out of the driveway on my bicycle this afternoon. He brought me a very long and narrow package and a small, white package from Dover.
What was in my Dover package? I had totally forgotten. I had already heard from Dover Saddlery that the Charles Owen helmet did not come in my size but the Charles Owen GR8 did - only double the cost. Grr! But I must be able to tuck my hair under my helmet when I show in rated horse shows. Showing is so much more expensive than just entry fees, coaching and getting the horse to the show.
I'm also looking at purchasing custom made to order riding breeches in show tan. Gag, $250 for show tan full seat riding breeches because so few brands carry my size - rolling eyes.
When I came back from my bike ride thirty minutes later, I took my Dover package off the front porch. Much to my delight my Ariat black and white horse shirt arrived! I had totally forgot about ordering it as I was more concerned about the Charles Owen show helmet. I'm going to a rated show in a couple of weeks and I need something other than my Tipperary schooling helmet to protect my head.
What was in my Dover package? I had totally forgotten. I had already heard from Dover Saddlery that the Charles Owen helmet did not come in my size but the Charles Owen GR8 did - only double the cost. Grr! But I must be able to tuck my hair under my helmet when I show in rated horse shows. Showing is so much more expensive than just entry fees, coaching and getting the horse to the show.
I'm also looking at purchasing custom made to order riding breeches in show tan. Gag, $250 for show tan full seat riding breeches because so few brands carry my size - rolling eyes.
When I came back from my bike ride thirty minutes later, I took my Dover package off the front porch. Much to my delight my Ariat black and white horse shirt arrived! I had totally forgot about ordering it as I was more concerned about the Charles Owen show helmet. I'm going to a rated show in a couple of weeks and I need something other than my Tipperary schooling helmet to protect my head.
Ariat White horse shirt Fall 2016
Such a cute shirt! It reminds me of a Eagles Eye shirt, I owned back in the late 80's/early 90's. I could get a lot of wear from this shirt. Wear it with jeans, black pants, wear it around town, to the barn, to the saddle shop if it fit. I could get a lot of wear from this shirt if it fit. I ordered an XL, it feels like a large, I could not button it. If I wore a tank under it and wore it like a jacket, it might work...that's something to mull over. I love Ariat products but this one runs a bit small. Back to Dover Saddlery it goes, maybe I can get a credit for that Charles Owen helmet that does fit.
My long, narrow package contains a metal horse shoe ribbon rack. I purchased it mainly for my kids horse show ribbons. Last spring, they both competed in the Equest Spring Horse Show and brought back pretty ribbons. Nathaniel came in first place in his division - he said he would have preferred green ribbons, his favorite color. While his sister earned a second place and third place ribbon - she rides with older children in her division, so I was very proud of her accomplishment.
I originally saw an ad in Practical Horseman magazine for Marbeth Metal Products and was going to order it on my mobile device but decided I didn't want to jinx my luck (or ribbons) so I would wait until after my first show last weekend. I was excited to find Marbeth Metal Products on Etsy, so I ordered the horse shoe show ribbon rack from them on Etsy after the show.
Currently, my ribbons are hanging in my closet.Clearly, a new place is needed to display my pretty ribbons while not getting in the way of my jewelry and belt collection. I need to find a wall to display my ribbons, as well as my children's ribbons.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Zulily Packages
So today's order was from two different orders and it did contain something for my son. I'm sure he will be thrilled with his new E-Land Kids chambray shirt - no, he would rather have a toy or Legos. My daughter actually got a big haul this morning: a pink feathery hair accessory, a Tutu & Lulu mustard yellow and blue floral ruffle dress, a Tutu & Lulu Christmas tunic with red polka dot leggings and a Tutu and Lulu pink and blue floral ruffle dress and pant set. I was not left out, I got Spanx lingerie!
Tutu & Lulu outfits for my daughter! |
Another Tutu & Lulu outfit! Won't this be cute for Christmas?
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Flying Emergency Dismounts among other things
I had a minor riding setback this summer, when the horse I was riding, spooked and I had to make an emergency flying dismount. It was the best canter I had ever had while riding Silver, when suddenly the horse in front of us spooked. Suddenly I saw my feet in front of my face. Feet should decidedly not be in front of your face when riding, so I knew it was time for a flying dismount... I landed with a thud on my back in the wet arena sand and immediately thought, "I am way too old for this crap!" I managed to get onto my hands and knees and sorta crawl away from the horses but it took me what seemed like an eternity to actually stand up. I had to "climb" the arena fence until I could straighten up. Then it took another 20 minutes until I was able to get on Silver.
I watched the rest of my class enjoy "pony camp" and then I trotted a couple of laps around the arena, cantered over a low fence and I was done. My back was killing me!
To shorten the story, I purchased Silver in August but didn't ride him for several weeks until I felt like I could ride without pain or actually get on him without pain. So I decided to curtail jumping, mainly because I didn't feel like I could actually canter until the sciatic pain stopped. My trainer and I worked on dressage, suppling the horse, bending, half halts, sitting trot and posting trot. I went to a horse show over the weekend and had just started cantering the previous Tuesday. It had been over two months since I had jumped anything!
While I was recuperating from my mishap, I designed some new jewelry for my Etsy shop, vowangems
I watched the rest of my class enjoy "pony camp" and then I trotted a couple of laps around the arena, cantered over a low fence and I was done. My back was killing me!
To shorten the story, I purchased Silver in August but didn't ride him for several weeks until I felt like I could ride without pain or actually get on him without pain. So I decided to curtail jumping, mainly because I didn't feel like I could actually canter until the sciatic pain stopped. My trainer and I worked on dressage, suppling the horse, bending, half halts, sitting trot and posting trot. I went to a horse show over the weekend and had just started cantering the previous Tuesday. It had been over two months since I had jumped anything!
While I was recuperating from my mishap, I designed some new jewelry for my Etsy shop, vowangems
Blue Green Aquamarines on hand forged sterling silver ear wires
Copper Rutilated Quartz and Carnelian Rosary Chain Dangle Earrings
Garnet and Fire Opal Sterling Silver Dangle Earrings
Titanium Blue Drusy, Garnets and Bali Gold Vermeil Dangle Earrings
and one of my favorite necklaces:
Silver Drusy Tassel Necklace
back pain,
flat work,
jewelry designs,
rosary chain earrings,
tassel necklaces,
Back in the Saddle Again...
When my kids were diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum I stopped blogging . It took my husband well over a year to even talk to someone outside our family about our kids struggle with Autism. I spent most of the first year after the diagnosis schlepping the kids from therapy to therapy, I became Therapy Mom, My kids participated in ABA therapy at UT Southwestern's ABA clinic twice a week (three hours each day), speech therapy, occupational therapy and Natty even had physical therapy. They were enrolled in specialized preschool, with four kids to one teacher ratio!
As my children's lives have improved, so has my life. Last fall, my children started therapeutic riding lessons at Equest Therapeutic Horsemanshp Center at the Texas Horsepark location. I started taking riding lessons, after 6 years of not riding, at a small barn, Cedar Haven in Cedar Hills about 40 minutes from my home in Dallas. My husband and I had sold our horse, Royal Krew, to some good friends who moved to California in 2011. This past August, I purchased a retired thoroughbred race horse, Silver I.D. and we went to our first horse show this past weekend. It's been 25 years since I showed a horse but I remember riding bigger fences when I was younger at my first show.
I won Reserve Champion in my Walk/Trot division - yay, I beat beginning children riders! How callous of me. When I was in my twenties I had only been riding hunters for a couple of years when I started competing. I was thrilled when I beat younger riders, it seemed to me they had more time to ride and train, than I did as a recent college grad working in retail management. So here I am an older mom of twins on the Autism Spectrum with my mommy roundness, on my very tall, flea bitten grey thoroughbred, Silver...yes, I'm back in the saddle again.
As my children's lives have improved, so has my life. Last fall, my children started therapeutic riding lessons at Equest Therapeutic Horsemanshp Center at the Texas Horsepark location. I started taking riding lessons, after 6 years of not riding, at a small barn, Cedar Haven in Cedar Hills about 40 minutes from my home in Dallas. My husband and I had sold our horse, Royal Krew, to some good friends who moved to California in 2011. This past August, I purchased a retired thoroughbred race horse, Silver I.D. and we went to our first horse show this past weekend. It's been 25 years since I showed a horse but I remember riding bigger fences when I was younger at my first show.
I won Reserve Champion in my Walk/Trot division - yay, I beat beginning children riders! How callous of me. When I was in my twenties I had only been riding hunters for a couple of years when I started competing. I was thrilled when I beat younger riders, it seemed to me they had more time to ride and train, than I did as a recent college grad working in retail management. So here I am an older mom of twins on the Autism Spectrum with my mommy roundness, on my very tall, flea bitten grey thoroughbred, Silver...yes, I'm back in the saddle again.
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