I had to take time off in February because it rained...a lot...and the barn where I board doesn't have an indoor arena. It does have a beautiful outdoor arena but I don't ride in the rain if I can help it. Then came March with spring break. We went on a wonderful Disney cruise around the Caribbean. The day we get back in town, my sister in law comes to stay with us for two weeks.
So I finally get out to the barn and my horse has gone lame. Poor guy had an abscess in his hoof...from all that rain...I had planned to ride in a horse show the weekend he went lame, so quick find a horse for Charlotte. I tried out the new schooling horse, Tilly but I was unsure that we were a good fit. She has a lovely collected canter but her jump was different from Silver. I wasn't getting it. The next horse was Elijah. My husband really likes riding this horse. He can sit is canter. And I'll be danged if I can't sit that less than smooth, uncollected canter. But after a couple of weeks of riding him, I was starting to have problems over fences with him. So I got to ride Gypsy. I have been a little skeptical of Gypsy because the first time I rode her, she ran off with me. I have fallen for this mare. She is wonderful and got me to enjoy jumping again. Really enjoy jumping.
After my 6 week hiatus from riding, I was a bit intimidated about riding a full course. Even though I had been jumping at 2 feet in the fall. I could ride one maybe two jumps at a time with some trepidation. I was blessed to be in a group lesson with two more experienced riders. My trainer set up a grid. It scared me but I enjoyed watching Amy and Michaela jump the grid. Kelsey offered the grid or a line of two jumps. I decided to feel my fear and do it anyway. I was assured that all I had to do was set Gypsy up and she would easily do the rest. And she did! I just stayed balanced and she jumped them all. So I did it again that lesson.
And I did it again another lesson, another grid...I figured I could jump 5 jumps at one time, or 5 jumps in a course, just get it over with. And the more I jumped the grid, the better I got and the more I relaxed. And then suddenly I could do courses without freaking out.
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